
Book an Appointment

Dr Steve is generally available for house calls Sunday, Monday and Tuesday afternoons. He's also available Thursday & Saturday afternoons, for euthanasia only. You can check his actual hours of availability on the calendar page, which is updated throughout the day. Text, email, or request a house call by clicking here.

To practice as safely as possible during the COVID 19 pandemic, Dr Steve and his technician will be in protective gear - masks, gloves, eyewear, etc. Dogs will be examined and treated outdoors whenever possible. Cats will be examined and treated in well-ventilated indoor spaces. Owners can join us, but only while properly wearing masks and maintaining social distance.

Text 24/7: (323) 469-3442
Dr Steve is available by text and email every day of the week, morning, noon & night, even when he's on vacation! This is how he provides consultations and how he schedules all of his house calls. If you believe that a phone call is necessary, please text or email to set up a Friday afternoon phone consult (charges may apply).
Fax 24/7: (323) 469-3443
For medical records and other documents.

Appointment Details

Timing is everything

In today's busy households, noise, chaos and crowds are often unavoidable. If your housekeeper's vacuuming, your handyman's hammering, or you're hosting all the kids in the neighborhood for a pool party, chances are good that your pet won't be in a good mood for the exam.

The same thing goes for recent grooming appointments. If your Poodle just had her five hour makeover, she's probably more than a little peeved. If your Persian kitty is fresh from his annual lion-cut, he'll definitely need some time to relax and collect his thoughts.

The ideal time to schedule a home visit is when your household and your pets have been calm & quiet for several hours, or even a few days. Dr Steve will appreciate your consideration, and so will your pets!

Estimated Arrival Time

Life is often unpredictable, so Dr Steve cannot offer specific appointment times. Instead, he'll offer you a one-hour window for his estimated arrival. Please remember that this is just an estimate. If he's running late that day, Dr Steve will call/text/email to let you know. If you need to cancel or reschedule, cancellation fees will not apply in this situation.

Non-Disclosure Agreement?

Dr Steve works in Los Angeles, the home of celebrities and other VIP's, so non-disclosure agreements come with the territory. Some of these contracts are very reasonable, while others are just paranoid bat-shit crazy. If you wish Dr Steve to sign an NDA, please do not surprise him with it at the beginning of the home visit. Email it at least 72 hours in advance, so that he actually has a chance to read it over, run it by his attorney, and decide whether or not he agrees to the terms. A fee of $350 will be charged for every signed contract.